Sister DeSales Fox, 1885-1959
Born October 24, 1995, Meadville, Pennsylvania
Entered St. Walburg Monastery, January 29, 1904
First Profession August 10, 1905
Died June 27, 1959
Sr. DeSales Fox was born to Timothy and Mary Ann O’Connor Fox and given the name Laura at her baptism. When Laura entered St. Walburg Monastery on January 29, 1904, her sister, Sr. Loretta, had already entered. Laura received the habit and her new name on August 10, 1904 Sr. DeSales made first profession on August 10, 1905 and final profession on August 10, 1908. She celebrated her Silver Jubilee on August 10, 1930.
Sr. DeSales taught at the following schools:
- St. Walburg Academy (kindergarten) 1905-06
- Holy Cross (Grade 2) 1907-12; (Grade 3) 1915-20
- St. Joseph, Covington (Grade 2) 1912-15; (Grade 7) 1930-31
- St. James, Brooksville (Grades 5-6) 1920-23
- St. Henry (Grades 7-8) 1923-26
- St. Benedict (Grade 8) 1926-27
- St. Anthony, Forest Hills(Grades 4-5) 1927-30
- Villa Madonna Academy (Grades 6-8) 1931-43
- Blessed Sacrament (Grade 8) 1943-49
- Sts. Peter & Paul, Danville (Grades 7-8) 1949-51
- St. Paul, Florence (Grades 7-8) 1951-52.
Sr. DeSales died on June 17, 1959.