Sr. Celestine Meyer 1960

Sr. Celestine Meyer 1960

Sister Celestine Meyer, 1883-1960

Born June 13, 1883, Covington, Kentucky
Entered St. Walburg Monastery, August 14, 1913
First Profession March 22, 1915
Died January 1, 1960

Sr. Celestine Meyer was born to Joseph and Theresa Brickweg Meyer and given the name Frances at her baptism. Frances entered St. Walburg Monastery on August 14, 1913 and received the habit and her new name on March 21, 1914. Sr. Celestine made first profession on March 22, 1915 and final profession on April 1, 1918.

During the greater part of her religious life, Sr. Celestine bake altar breads for local churches and serve as sacristan at the motherhouse. About three years prior to her death, she was no longer able to continue in this ministry. Sr. Celestine died on January 1, 1969.