Current Ministry and Interests: In 2003 I retired from being administrator in the Infirmary, having been a teacher for 43 years and serving in administration as sub-prioress for 12 years. I continue to lead exercises with the infirmary sisters twice each week, take people to doctors, do periodic night duty and help wherever I can. In my spare time I enjoy reading, crossword puzzles and crocheting baby booties of all kinds. I make these for my own pleasure and that of those who receive them.
Favorite Scripture quotation: Scripture passages frequent my day, but I find myself saying, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love Him” often. I hope I practice St. Benedict’s admonition, “Listen, my daughter, to the precepts of the Master” as I move through each day.
What I value about community life: I appreciate the opportunity to participate in community prayer, life and work here at the monastery.
What Benedictine women have to offer: Rootedness in community, peace and generous hospitality are offerings of my community to the present busy world.