Current Ministry and Interests: I am a Pastoral Associate doing pastoral ministry at Mother of God Parish in Covington, Kentucky. Some of my interests are hospitality to new members of the parish and getting them involved in parish life. I also am interested in Social Issues, especially death penalty abolition, closing the School of the Americas and providing services to the needy in our local area.
Favorite Scripture quotation: Psalm 85: “O God, you will give us what is good and our land will yield its harvest. Justice will walk before you and peace will follow in your way.”
What I value about community life: It calls me to be my best self, to be more than I could be on my own. It keeps me honest about who I am and it encourages me even in my weaknesses and comforts me in my loss.
What Benedictine women have to offer: Joyful hope. With our 1500+ years of tradition in a variety of lands around the earth, we can and do witness to the promise of Christ, delivered through Benedict in his question, “Who of you desires life and longs to see good days? If you answer, ‘I do’ and seek peace, you will be in the presence of God. What, dearest sisters and brothers, can be sweeter to us than this voice of the Lord inviting us?”