Recently I came across these two pictures I took on a camping trip several years ago in Tennessee. The angle of the first picture shows the fence as closed, the only way in under or over the rails. The second picture taken a few inches to the side captures the opening. Just a slight change in perspective opened up a new possibility. In this case a short hike up to a majestic view of the mountains and town below.
Sometimes we don’t realize what we don’t see until we experience a new perspective. Drive a different way to work or take a different route as you walk around your neighborhood. Try eating with your non-dominant hand or pausing an extra moment to have a short conversation with the person you usually wave to in passing. Find ways to switch it up. These small changes may create openings and different ways to connect with others. I also find they create opportunities for shifting my thoughts.
Sometimes it might not happen right away. Sometimes you might get a funny look or that co-worker is seemingly always grumpy. Just keep up that kind,
gentle and consistent reaching out. You’ll be spreading good and our world can always use more goodness!
During Lent we often take on practices of abstinence, fasting and almsgiving. Perhaps Easter also invites us to “practices.” Maybe to consider small, daily ways we can embody this season of resurrection. If you have a moment, try moving just a bit to the side of your usual view to see what opens for you, what new perspective God and your neighbor are inviting you to during this Easter season. Blessings!