“Connections” by Sr. Mary Rabe

“Connections” by Sr. Mary Rabe

Several weeks ago,  Sr. Deborah’s Blog described her journey with Fr. James Martin SJ in his recent book, Come Forth.  I happen to be reading the same book.  Martin  surveys possible answers to the question, “Who is the beloved disciple?” ( I spent all by conscious years thinking it was the apostle John.)  Martin would not have had a book if one of the evangelists had just told us directly in three to five words the answer. But none of them did.

On the day after Mother’s Day, our Monday morning activity group brought pictures of her Mother and shared some of mother’s wisdom and characteristics.  I had to spend time to find a picture.  I have lots of pictures but not much organization.  In addition, there were not many pictures of Mother.  (That is one of her traits.)  It was a delightful gathering.  The hour went by quickly.

The next afternoon  I invited my sister Ann who brought her collection. As we examined them it became a guessing game.  “Who is this?”   “I don’t think so.”  “Look at the chin. “  Ann seemed to know more than I did.  Eventually I had a choice of what to submit.  The discussion was awesome.

Monday was Memorial Day.  Remembrances were everywhere. We found pictures of my father in his uniform.  Dad was in the trenches in Germany during WWII.  He had two purple hearts and was brought back to the hospital in Colorado Springs with frozen feet. It was Christmas time. Surgery for amputation was scheduled when a nurse detected the start of healing and his feet were saved. This is almost all we knew about the war. Of course, there are no pictures of the action.

What is the connection of these four?  Think of the questions while the people with answers are still on this earth.  Labels will help. The more we know the more we can feel a part of the whole. Some of the photos I have were taken 125 years ago. So very precious.  And they are labeled! Try not to live with regrets.