“Who are the monastics around the world?” by Sr. Dorothy Schuette

“Who are the monastics around the world?” by Sr. Dorothy Schuette

AIM – Alliance for International Monasticism was the focus of presentations given this past weekend, June 22-23, by Sister Cathy Bauer and me. It is both a privilege and a responsibility to represent the sisters and monks around the world who follow the Rule of St. Benedict in Benedictine and Cistercian communities. Cathy and I were sent to make the mission appeal to the five parishes in Cincinnati who belong to the Family of the Most Holy Eucharist.  We spoke about the lives of our fellow monastics sharing the message of Jesus in their common life, through their prayer and in their service to others.  For example, I talked about the Benedictine nuns in Ukraine and quoted Mother Abbess Klara describing how her community moved away from the danger of the war to relative safety in another monastery and now both groups of sisters house and feed themselves and many, many refugees.

As AIM representatives, we named the intended gifted monasteries for the next grant cycle: sisters in Tanzania want to start a chicken farm; monks in India need a tractor; communities in East Africa are planning a formation workshop; Monks from the Philippines will begin studies in Rome; Sisters in the Philippines will purchase a car to meet their ministry needs. It is touching to see that the requests made by the monastics were focused on helping their neighbors as well as for their own survival. We also had AIM prayer cards for the taking and encouraged our audiences to give the best gift, their love and prayer.

The parishioners of these parishes responded with warm hospitality to Cathy and me and with great generosity to AIM. We ask God’s continued blessing upon them all.

For information about AIM see  https://aim-usa.org/Sr. Dorothy Schuette and Music Minister David at St. Catherine of Siena, Cincinnati