I was five years old when my father returned home from The War. At that time Mom, my sister and I lived with Granny, my aunt and her daughter in downtown Covington. On the day I want to tell you about Dad was working outside, the rest of us inside. It started to rain and Dad wanted to come in so he ran to the side door and found the screen door locked. He yelled to open it. Mom came to the door, but before she started to open it she sang the currently popular tune “April Showers” to Dad while he stood there getting wetter by the moment. Then she let him in and helped him dry off. He finally started laughing with her and then we joined in.
I fondly remember this playful incident every year when it rains in April. It was a privileged moment of witnessing their light-hearted love for each other. As our family life matured their relationship seemed to grow more serious. At least that is how I remember it, as a self-absorbed youth.
Now I am getting close to the age that they were when they died. Memories of both Mom and Dad remind me that they laid the foundations of my values, gifts, hopes and actions. Easter is a good time to be light-hearted. Alleluia!