“Women in John’s Gospel” – by Sr. Mary Rabe, OSB

“Women in John’s Gospel” – by Sr. Mary Rabe, OSB

On Friday June 26 we closed our annual retreat with evening prayer.  The content of the retreat centered on the Women in John’s Gospel.  The director was Bonnie Thurston, a New Testament scholar, a poet, a spiritual director and an ordained Episcopal Minister from the Appalachian region of West Virginia.  Bonnie is an experienced energetic, gifted scholar and presenter.

I will give you a very brief sampling of the ideas offered. The pattern is to describe the scene and the relation Jesus has with each of John’s women.  What meanings for us are held in each one?

For example, Jesus had a mother. Therefore, he had a grandmother.  Whether he only knew her through stories or was able to sit on her lap how does this form him? How does this help us?

Jesus met the women at the well knowing she was a Samaritan and he a Jew and that Jews did not interact with Samaritans.  He also would have known that the fountain is a place where boys meet girls, often illicitly.  How does this knowledge alter your idea of Jesus?

At Cana, Jesus’ Mother tells him there is no more wine.  She does not tell him what to do. The mother tells and Jesus acts on what is needed.  Are we open to doing what we discern Jesus needs from us and we need from Jesus?

In John’s gospel the women are not named. What message might the author (John) want us to discover?

In addition, the five days of quiet were enhanced by the homilies at Eucharist each day.  With gratitude for all who made the retreat possible.