“Come and See” by Sr. Barbara Woeste

“Come and See” by Sr. Barbara Woeste

When I was deciding what to write, my mind suddenly focused on an image long ago.

It was when I was a teenager (ancient history).  Our family was on vacation in Michigan at our favorite lake.  I was not feeling well and afraid that I was getting polio, I was extremely fearful of this disease.  My muscles ached and I felt that I had a temperature.  It turned out, however, that I was reacting to a sunburn!  It was a blessing that I never entered the medical field when I grew up.

Remembering further, in high school choosing a bookkeeping class because I thought it was library work.  Was very wrong!  I persevered in the class, evening burning the midnight oils, trying to balance.   At its end, thank heavens, I did get an award.  I think it was for perseverance.  Yes, accounting was not my call.  However, the sister teaching the class did ask me if I ever considered religious life.  This was the second time I was asked this question.  The first was much earlier in grade school. It was something to think about.  (They probably could tell that the medical or accounting fields were not for me.)

Many years passed, and a friend invited me to “come and see” by coming to a discussion group at the Benedictine Monastery in Villa Hills.  We both entered the discussion group.  I think she did not want to go alone.  The rest is history, we came, and saw and liked what we saw.

Perhaps you are also searching to find your vocation in life.  Did you ever consider religious life as an option?  Maybe it is time for you also to “come and see”.   You don’t get much pay, but the benefits are out of this world.