Are you one who dreads Lent? Suppose one viewed Lent as a time of possibilities, opportunities for renewal. Pope Francis refers to Lent as “a season of conversion, a time of freedom” because “God does not want subjects, but sons and daughters.” Conversion is often portrayed as something painful, difficult – but the origin of the word means to turn around, to take another look at who we are and who we are becoming. The word freedom has many connotations and not all are life giving. . . a license to do as I want, despite that which I choose to do, might interfere with the rights of others. As I consider Pope Francis understanding of freedom – real freedom allows me to engage in all that brings about joy and goodness. It is an inner quality that allows one to choose between goods that not only impacts my life in a growth filled way but the lives of others as well. So often you hear from people that the happiest times in their lives were when they were involved with others in need, helping to make a difference in our fragile world.
“I call heaven and earth to witness this. I now set before you, life and death, a blessing and a curse. Choose life then, that you and your descendants will live, by loving the Lord, heeding the voice, and clinging to God.” —Deuteronomy 30:19–20. The liturgical readings of Lent are superbly picked. They provide the challenge, encouragement and support to live the life that God has chosen for us.
Wishing you a joyous Lent!