How does one become an Oblate?
A person interested in becoming an Oblate:
Contacts the Oblate Director (see back panel) for information about the Oblate program.
Gathers with the other Oblates for at least a year to get to know them and the Monastic Community.
Meets with a prayer partner named to assist the Inquirer during this time.
Attends the Day of Formation/Information for the Inquirers.
Discerns with the Director ones readiness to become a candidate for oblation.
Makes an oblation or offering of self “to God as a Benedictine Oblate of St. Walburg Monastery” on Oblate Renewal Day in October, by signing a formal document.
Receives the Oblate Medal.
For more information about the Benedictine Oblates program, call Sr. Mary Tewes at 859-331-6324. or email her at